Granny square challenge week 1

Today we will start our granny square challenge.
I hope you have your hooks and yarn ready.
As you can see I`m working ahead
to see if the pattern works
and if necessary give you some pointers.

I`ve planned to make a blanket 
with a size of 1.44 m by 1.80 m (about 57 inches by 71 inches)
One square is 12 by 12 cm (a bit less then 5 by 5 inches).

We will make a total of 180 squares in 45 weeks.
(a 2 week break at Christmas and a six week break in the summer).
I use a hook size 3 mm
if your yarn needs another size hook
the size of the square will change.
Calculate if you need more or less squares.
You don`t need to make the same size blanket of course
if 4 squares a week is to much just make a smaller blanket.

As you can see I changed my color scheme.
I hope I will keep liking these colors for a year,
but at the moment I`m smitten.
Again a link to the Yvestown shop.
I borrowed her yarn pictures
and yippie she has a sale.
That brings me to my next point.
How much yarn I`m going to need.
I`m sorry but I don`t have a clue.
On attic24 she ordered 30 balls of yarn
for a blanket that`s 1500 grams.
It`s a good start point
but if you order or buy in a shop. 
Make sure they keep the colors in stock
so you can order again if you don`t have enough.

Let`s start.
Our first pattern is a classic granny square.
You can find the pattern on Ravelry
a great source for patterns.
If your not a member yet 
you need to become a member to access the pattern.
The pattern is 
Traditional Granny Square by Donna Higgins.
I can`t make a link because you need to log in first.
After logging in go to patterns
search for Traditional Granny Square Donna Higgins
place it in your library.
You can find your library again
in "my notebook".
You can find me at Ravelry 
if you search for the heartfelt company.

If you don`t understand the pattern when you read it.
(Many times I really don`t get it by just reading.)
Just start and try to understand it as you go.
This works for me.

Does anyone know where the abbreviation BO stands for?
After a round I attach my new color after the slip stitch 
and turn the square then continue on the other side.
As you can see I made 7 rounds instead of 5.

If you have any questions please let me know in the comments
I will answer by replying your comment.


This part is in Dutch about  translation for the hook terms used
in the patterns.
De patronen die ik gebruik zijn allemaal in het Engels,
het schrikt sommige misschien af
maar het is zeker de moeite waard
om aan de hand van een vertaalschema
met Engelse patronen te werken.
Er zijn zoveel meer patronen die je dan kan maken
en na wat oefening is het heel goed te doen.
Vertaalschema`s vindt je bij
(vanuit het forum,uitgebreid dus soms is het zoeken).
Ook bij Charami 
(deze is korter en daardoor overzichtelijker,ook andere talen).

Om jullie op weg te helpen hierbij een vertaling 
van de gebruikte termen bij dit patroon.
ch = chain = vaste  sorry, dit moet natuurlijk een losse zijn
sl. st. =  slip stitch = halve vaste
dc = double crochet = stokje
sp = space = ruimte/gat.
Voor de overgang bij een nieuwe kleur kijk bij pointers.


  1. I've just ordered all the colours plus a few more (so difficult to know where to draw the line), joined Ravelry and downloaded the pattern so I'm all set to begin once the yarn arrives. How exciting! I Googled BO and it says it stands for Bind Off but is usually a knitting term rather than crochet, but means to fasten off so cut the yarn and pull through the last loop. I expect you knew that really. Philippa xx

    1. Hi Philippa, that`s great and I`m so excited to. I thought I would start on my own and maybe a few would join later. So nice we are starting with a little group. I always have a problem with drawing the line when I`m buying yarn or any other craft supplies. There is so much beautiful stuff out there.
      Thank you for finding what BO stands for, silly of me not to google. I have a translation list but couldn`t find BO on it, next time I will google :-)

  2. Also I ordered the yarn, today the Yvestown shop is sending it to me. So I can start in the weekend. Be ready because I think I need your advice sometimes. Monique

    1. Hoi Monique, hartstikke leuk. Ik heb al een paar meer die een haakclub wel zien zitten. We zijn dan nu met z`n viertjes. Weet jij nog geinteresseerden? Ik dacht volgende week al te beginnen. Mail me op met welke dagen en tijden voor je uitkomen.

  3. Hey Michelle! I'll try to join you. I attempted to do Wisecraft's granny along but could not keep up. This one looks more manageable for me plus I'm in a better place to get this going in the fall too. I've got super random yarns, so it'll be a super granny scrappy blanket. I'm going to try and decide whether to do grey or cream as the end color--like you have shown. They are both so nice!! It'll be my project for the weekend while watching my kids play soccer (or is that rude?? I"m so glad you are doing this! xoxo

    1. Hi Susan, so nice you are joining us to.I`m sure a granny scrappy blanket will look great as long as you stick to the same end color.If we keep each other motivated we`ll finish a blanket this time :-).

  4. I know this is an old post but what brand of wool have you used?


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