Granny square challenge week 19

I totally forgot to make a new square.
The girls have a school vacation
and the days seem to fly by.
So suddenly it was Thursday and no square, sorry.
Since I don`t want us to fall behind on schedule
I have a easy solution.
Look through all the squares you already made
and pick your favorite.
Make 4 squares of this pattern again.
Next week a new pattern, I promise.

I`m so proud,
this week we went to the hairdresser
because the girls wanted to donate hair for a wig
for children who need one but can`t afford one.
The dutch foundation haarwensen
makes wigs for children who lost their hair through illness or medication.
Luckily they love their new hairdo.


  1. Well done to your girls for being so generous. It is a wonderful charity to support.
    I've been making slow progress myself on the crochet squares but I'm not giving up yet. Please don't be too hard on yourself for not giving us a new square this week. I don't think you need to worry that the crochet police might pay you a visit! Take care. Philippa xx

  2. hello, just discovered your blog. how do you crochet thoese tiny owls?? they are so cute!

    1. There is a link for this pattern in week 11 and 12 from the granny square challenge.


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